Aims and benefits
The nationwide survey aims at analysing experiences in residential care facilities with mental health services for UYR with the objective to give a valid description on the structures and collaborations between the relevant actors in the field. In addition to questions about existing support systems within and outside residential care facilities, we would like to find out more about how carers are prepared to deal with psychological distress in UYR. Furthermore, the survey includes questions on CYWS motivation and institutional capacity to support mental health services and to implement a stepped care model such as BETTER CARE (consisting of a screening, group prevention program and individual traumafocused psychotherapy) – a precondition for a potential nationwide implementation of the model. On the basis of these results, recommendations towards political and mental health stakeholders will be derived. In order to draw empirical based conclusions, social workers and employees in residential care facilities with UYR in all federal states in Germany are welcomed to participate in the online-survey.
- Providing data on existing structures and collaborations in the field of mental health services for UYR in Germany
- Assessing the institutional readiness to support mental health treatment for UYR in a stepped care approach
M.Sc. Fabienne Hornfeck
Deutsches Jugendinstitut e.V.
Nockherstraße 2
81541 München
+49 89 62306 240
Prof. Dr. Heinz Kindler, Dipl.-Psych., Deutsches Jugendinstitut e.V.